Restoring inner balance in a fast-paced World
A 10 day digital course
by Zoe Kanat
What You’ll Learn
Over the next 10 days you will be introduced to some of the most powerful practices to support you on a path to restoring balance and harmony from the inside out. You will discover an internal reference point of stability, a strong connection to yourself and a clear direction on how to operate and navigate the world around you - in turn creating a life of ease, calm, wholeness and joy.
Love Zoe x

Transform Your Daily Routine
Each lesson is around 15 minutes long and includes a short guided practice. After learning several techniques, you will walk away ready to create a daily practice that suits you and your lifestyle.
Lesson One
In this session we explore the meaning of balance, how it relates to your life and how you can apply this to yourself as an individual. For your first practice we look at pausing and grounding into the physical body and finding your centre. We draw from mindfulness expert Dr Craig Hassed, concluding that ‘pausing’ for just a short amount of time everyday positively impacts our health and wellbeing.
Lesson Two
In this session you will learn about the power of intention, or ‘Sankalpa’ in Sanskrit. You will explore the meaning of intention and how to construct an intention statement. You will also learn a little about the quantum model of ‘causing an effect’, and how this theory can create a new way of being.
Lesson Three
In this lesson you will create a safe place or sacred place. In psychotherapy the inner safe place is a tool used in treating trauma. It is also a wonderful technique to calm and balance an over stimulated and anxious mind. The safe place acts as an antidote to a busy life. It can be used to settle the mind and body before meditation, as well as a tool to move out of negative thinking patterns.
Lesson Four
Today you will go into the body, literally, with your attention. This body scan coms from an ancient Himalayan tradition. It is a systematic exercise aimed to balance the subtle energies of the body and increase mental clarity and harmony. You will learn how this sequence of body rotation communicates specifically with the brain, thereby increasing mind body coherence.
Lesson Five
Today you will discover that as a human being, you are multi-dimensional. We explore a more subtle layer of your being known as the energy body. You will learn that in fact we are more energy (space) than matter (physical substance). You will access this layer of your being via the breath and discover how profound and effective a simple breath exercise can be for emotional regulation and wellbeing.
Lesson Six
In this lesson you will explore your tendency to stay busy and distracted and at the same time long for something else. We investigate that ‘something else’ and identify the qualities and gifts this can provide. You will learn about the practice of mindfulness and begin to uncover the benefits and foundations that underpin this technique. Finally, you will be introduced to a mindful practice, using your senses to experience the present moment.
Lesson Seven
In this lesson we explore joy and happiness. We first take a glance at our inherent behaviours of negativity and how these have served us as we’ve evolved. I will share a historical story of the Buddha’s path to enlightenment and how this is relevant to our lives today. We then explore the direct road to joy and happiness, learning to cultivate this practically for ourselves.
Lesson Eight
Today we adopt the skill of mindfulness to your daily life by walking mindfully. You will pay close attention to the environment in the way you would with a formal sitting meditation, however with eyes open and body moving. In this way of walking and being, you will learn to bring a sense of balance to your experience with more presence and ease.
Lesson Nine
Today you will go deeper into the foundations of mindfulness and explore exactly how to be in the formal and informal practice of mindfulness. You will learn how the attitude you adopt to everything in your life will affect how you experience it. We will explore how to see your thoughts from a distance, giving greater perspective and choice to respond rather than react.
Lesson Ten
This final lesson explores your future and what it might look like. I will recap on what we have covered and how you can engage with these practices. You already have exactly what you need to be balanced and stable, it’s at the core of who you are; you simply require the skills to uncover your true nature.