“Yoga Nidra is a direct path into a full and complete release of everything that pulls us out of the most precious healing experience we have full absorption into the perfect present moment that is of the frequency of pure unconditional love and bliss.” - Jana Roemer

Yoga Nidra is a lying down ‘sleep based’ mediation practice, a state of consciousness and a goddess.  As humans, we are multidimensional.  We are not only made of matter (physical body), but also exists as energetic, emotional and intuitive beings.  As you lie down to rest, a Yoga Nidra guide takes you on a journey through the layers of your being.  These layers or Koshers in Sanskrit, directly translated as sheaths, create an illusion of who you are.  Yoga Nidra is a systematic process where you overcome the illusions and remember your true Self.  As this happens, you gradually and effortlessly move inward, receiving a profound sense of relaxation and renewal. 

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

  • Balances the nervous system.

  • Profound relaxation – physically, energetically, mentally & emotionally.

  • Increased clarity, memory and creativity.

  • Healing & restorative.

  • Connection to innate wisdom, intelligence and natural intuition.

  • Support for chronic conditions

  • Improves sleep

  • Stress Reduction

  • Increases creativity


Restoring Balance: A Daring to Rest 21-day Program for Women

Imagine a well-rested you.

This 3-week program is based on Karen Brody’s book, Daring to Rest: Reclaim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Rest Meditation.

Getting deep rest has the power to heal many of our modern stress-fuelled ailments. For 21-days you will journey from worn out to well-rested using a modern version of an ancient yogic sleep tool known as Yoga Nidra meditation. The results are phenomenal, from helping you sleep better, to reducing anxiety and feeling grounded, energised and clear.

What is included:

  • Three 1.5 hour sessions where we will meet to learn and practice the art of rest and relaxation via the method of yoga Nidra.

  • Additional practices from the Daring to Rest Program.

  • Custom designed guided Yoga Nidra recordings based on the 3 stages of the program: rest, release and rise, for you to practice during the week in-between sessions.

  • A rest cave guide.

  • Final gathering/closing session following the completion of the program.

What to bring:

  • A Journal

  • Wear comfortable clothes

  • Props for practicing Yoga Nidra: A pillow for your head and under your knees, a blanket and eye mask to cover your eyes.

Dates: TBA

‘Through all my years of personal practice, study, and teaching others, I have not found a more effective or reliable method for relieving stress, feeling the peacefulness of relaxation, healing and restoring the body, understanding and managing emotions, quieting the mind, experiencing unbounded consciousness, and awakening the compassionate heart than Yoga Nidra’, Julie Lusk.